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The cadwork training participants visiting the UBC lab in front of the frame modeled in cadwork and cut on the UBC Hundegger K2 in 2002
Cecobois 2025 Challenge: A Memorable 14th Edition

Back again this year, the 14th edition of the Cecobois Challenge was memorable in many ways. Gathered from January 11 to 12 at the Laval University , no less than 50 students took up the challenge of designing a 1:25 scale model of a new Pôle Forestier pavilion that would replace the current Horizon pavilion at Station Duchesnay.
Based on a real project, this pavilion would serve as a reception and information area for various activities, both in summer and winter. The students' proposal had to take into account that the building would include several services, including a space for equipment rental, a food court, a boutique, offices and much more.
The students responded with enthusiasm and creativity, proposing structures that were sometimes bold and surprising, sometimes simple and elegant, sometimes structurally very strong, but all of which stood out in their own way. Bonus points were awarded to projects that used mostly recycled materials, allowed for deconstruction at the end of their life, did not require new equipment in their construction method, and could be recycled, refurbished or resold at the end of their life.
At the end of a short weekend of work and design, the jury composed of Simon Thibault Bellavance, technical advisor at Cecobois, Nicolas Dionne, project manager at Nordic, Daniel Smith, architect at Smith Vigeant architectes, Fernando Junior Leblanc-Carrera, engineer at Ponton Guillot and Annie Lalancette, architect in charge of projects at SÉPAQ, had the difficult task of evaluating the structures according to several criteria. They finally decided in favor of the Mauve team, the Bleu ciel team and the Bourgogne team. They also gave a special mention to the Red team for its inspiration.
The students were also able to benefit from the help and advice of the following professional volunteers: Dominique Laroche, architect at BGLA, Martin Brière, architect at BGLA, Jean-René Larose, engineer at L2C Experts-Conseils, Laurianne Erhel, engineer at Art Massif, Sabrina Charbonneau, architect at Smith Vigeant Architects, Myriam Larouche, engineer at Cecobois, Marc Oudjene, engineer and professor at Laval University, Janick Côté, engineer at BBA, Jean-Philippe Letarte, EIT at MTC Solutions, Dominique Robitaille, engineer at MTC Solutions and David Hannah, engineer at Nordic Structures.
Partners of the Cecobois 2025 Challenge
Obviously, the Cecobois Challenge could not take place without the support of valuable partners. This is why Cecobois would like to thank cadwork, ÉTS, Produits forestiers Résolu, Nordic Structures, Université Laval and the partners of the Cecobois Network for making this event possible.
Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame of Paris has just reopened after several years of hard work. A few cadwork clients have been instrumental in the reconstruction and they have been relying on precise 3D models to rebuild this amazing construction. The complete oak timber frame as well as temporary supports (see image/video) have been completely modeled before moving forward with prefabrication. Point clouds as well as old and recent surveys have been used to create a digital twin matching the original as close as possible. The result is quite astonishing, and we cannot wait to visit this monument when we next travel to Paris. There are many documentaries available about the reconstruction. In this one, see cadwork in action modeling supports of flying buttresses (29th sec.).
Link to the video 👉
It is great to see how timber framers can take advantage of cadwork 3D modeling power and flexibility.
Project owner :
LinkedIn : Etablissement public Rebâtir Notre-Dame de Paris
Website :
Project management / Lead architects : Philippe Villeneuve, Pascal Prunet et Rémi Fromont, ACMH
BCMC 2024 : First place for the cadwork derby car !

The cadwork derby car clinched the 1st place at the 2024 BCMC show in Milwaukee. It was achieved without any emmissions except a little carbon dioxyde from our Champagne bottle. We had lots of fun beating cars from companies like Mitek, Simpson, Eagle Metal ... which have much more man power than us. Thanks to Michael Brewer from Zepp Framer for building such a fast car. No need to mentionned it was modelled in cadwork.
Cecobois 2023 Challenge: A Memorable 12th Edition

Back after a two-year pandemic, the 12th edition of the Cecobois Challenge was memorable in many ways. Gathered from January 12 to 15 at the Maison des étudiants de l'ÉTS in Montreal, no less than 50 students took up the challenge of designing a 1:25 scale model of a new Pôle Forestier pavilion that would replace the current Horizon pavilion at Station Duchesnay.
Based on a real project, this pavilion would serve as a reception and information area for various activities, both in summer and winter. The students' proposal had to take into account that the building would include several services, including a space for equipment rental, a food court, a boutique, offices and much more.
The students responded with enthusiasm and creativity, proposing structures that were sometimes bold and surprising, sometimes simple and elegant, sometimes structurally very strong, but all of which stood out in their own way. Bonus points were awarded to projects that used mostly recycled materials, allowed for deconstruction at the end of their life, did not require new equipment in their construction method, and could be recycled, refurbished or resold at the end of their life.
At the end of a short weekend of work and design, the jury composed of Simon Thibault Bellavance, technical advisor at Cecobois, Nicolas Dionne, project manager at Nordic, Daniel Smith, architect at Smith Vigeant architectes, Fernando Junior Leblanc-Carrera, engineer at Ponton Guillot and Annie Lalancette, architect in charge of projects at SÉPAQ, had the difficult task of evaluating the structures according to several criteria. They finally decided in favor of the Mauve team, the Bleu ciel team and the Bourgogne team. They also gave a special mention to the Red team for its inspiration.
The students were also able to benefit from the help and advice of the following professional volunteers: Dominique Laroche, architect at BGLA, Martin Brière, architect at BGLA, Jean-René Larose, engineer at L2C Experts-Conseils, Laurianne Erhel, engineer at Art Massif, Sabrina Charbonneau, architect at Smith Vigeant Architects, Myriam Larouche, engineer at Cecobois, Marc Oudjene, engineer and professor at Laval University, Janick Côté, engineer at BBA, Jean-Philippe Letarte, EIT at MTC Solutions, Dominique Robitaille, engineer at MTC Solutions and David Hannah, engineer at Nordic Structures.
Partners of the Cecobois 2023 Challenge
Obviously, the Cecobois Challenge could not take place without the support of valuable partners. This is why Cecobois would like to thank cadwork, ÉTS, Produits forestiers Résolu, Nordic Structures, Université Laval and the partners of the Cecobois Network for making this event possible.
Cadwork Annual Reunion

Dear colleagues,
We are very pleased to announce that we have separated our North American operations from those in Australia and New Zealand, effective 1st July 2022, and have therefore created a new Australian entity, in which we remain the shareholders :
Cadwork Australasia Pty Ltd
as well as the appointment of
Crispin Egli, as Managing Director
We trust that Crispin Egli, who has been a key player of the cadwork team for the past three years now, and who has already been actively involved in the decision-making processes for the operations taking place in Australia and New Zealand, will be able to ensure the smooth running and continuity of the company from his Alice Springs office.
The main objective of cadwork Australasia Pty Ltd will be to continue offering high-quality 3D CAD/CAM solutions for wood construction, to advise and to ensure an excellent service to existing clients, as well as expanding the Australasian market, for countries not yet allocated to other subbranches.
We wish Crispin and this new venture every success !
New co-workers at cadwork Montreal
On another note, we are very pleased to welcome 2 new co-workers here in Montréal, Léo Clémenceau as Sales, Training and Support staff member as well as Lili Decosterd, joining the admin team as a part-time staff member. Welcome Léo and welcome Lili !
Hello to you all,
I am the new co-worker joining the cadwork Montreal team and I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Léo, I'm 27 years old and I just arrived in Montreal. I was born in Angers, France.
I started my studies with a BTS SCBH (Constructive Wood and Habitat System) in Vendée, then I joined the Ecole Supérieure du Bois de Nantes where I specialized in wood construction.
I started my professional career in 2017 in Belgium as a project engineer for 1 year and a half then, I worked as a structural engineer for 7 months in France before working 1 year in Luxembourg as a project engineer for a startup.
In my free time, skateboarding remains my passion which I have been practicing for 12 years now and I love music and nature. I also like video games and series.
I will be happy to help you during our exchanges and I am convinced that our collaboration will be the best !

Lili Decosterd, 17 1/2 years old, has just started her studies at the College Vieux-Montréal in Human Sciences with a focus on International Politics. She has just joined the Cadwork Montreal team to help us with the administration a few hours a week. She is the youngest daughter of Barbara and Laurent :)
Passionate about dance, especially hip-hop dance, road biking with Laurent and tennis, Lili loves sports! She also likes to read detective novels in her free time.
Welcome Lili !